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How to Thrive Amidst the COVID-19 Action Plan

douglas hauptman • February 4, 2024

During this time it can be difficult to stay positive when all the news concerning Coronavirus (COVD-19) is so overwhelming. 

Of course, communicating all that you know, and showing empathy for all that is going on around us, is critical for you and your business. Additionally, it is important to formulate a plan! Thankfully, Mimosa Salon Suites management has your back and has created a comprehensive plan to fight back the COVID-19 virus. 

Our new, post-virus procedure will spell out the actions you should take in order to maintain a clean and safe environment and how to share and communicate with your clients. This process is the first of its kind for Salon Suites and Salons as a whole, this should be implemented quickly and effectively to continue regular operations at Mimosa Salon suites. 

In this action plan, we will also share with you our aggressive plan to further our efforts to provide every tenant with a fresh and clean work environment daily. 


This new procedure will allow for you to schedule and keep your clients in the post-virus economy by keeping a safe and healthy distance between every client while giving you time to completely sterilize and sanitize your work area.

Inform your client to drive to your location and safely wait inside of their car for you to notify them when to enter. In the meantime, you should be sterilizing all of your equipment, and disinfecting your chair and other tools.
Text your client, let them know you are ready for them to enter. In some cases, you will want to let them in, to limit their access to outside surfaces.

When they enter your salon, you should be all wrapped in PPE (i.e. disposable gloves, mask shields/face masks, aprons).  Once you have completed your service, make sure to start the process over again by sterilizing all of your equipment, and disinfecting your chair and other tools. Additionally, you will swap gloves, and head equipment. 

PPE (Personal Protective Equipment)

We at Mimosa Salon Suites want to do everything we can do to equip each of our tenants with the necessary tools to fend off any virus, whether that be the common cold, the flu, or COVID-19. And for that reason, we will be helping to supply everyone their own arsenal of PPE for as long as needed.

You will want to be equipped with:
  • Gloves
  • Mask Shields OR Face Masks
  • Lysol
  • Hand Sanitizer OR Hand soap
  • Test kits (These are not yet available to civilians, however, once they are available, we will be offering these as a means of prevention. It is estimated that rapid test kits should become available within the next 2-3 weeks.)

Our Aggressive Approach Towards COVID-19

Expanding Daily Cleaning

Please know that cleanliness and sanitation have always been a big part of running a great salon suites operation, and we already follow strict guidelines from local health departments. However, due to the current situation, we are increasing and adding to our current supply of cleaning and sanitizing materials to ensure our tenants can clean and disinfect their salon suite even more thoroughly throughout the course of the day.

We spend an extra 2-3 hours weekly cleaning all of the doorknobs, light switches, and fixtures in the restrooms every day, as of March 2, 2020, and we have added evening cleaning procedures as well. Typically, we use your basic cleaning supplies such as Lysol spray and Fabuloso to clean around the buildings. Now, we are expanding to the use of industrial-grade disinfectants throughout the buildings, and it will be used in the bathrooms on fixtures, light switches all over, and doorknobs. This goes beyond any standards we have placed on ourselves in the past.


As an independent business owner at Mimosa, you have the rare opportunity to speak directly with your clients about the steps we are taking and you yourself are taking to adhere to government mandated sanitation as well as extra precautions we are all taking. 

But, the most important advantage you have working at Mimosa over traditional salons is you have complete control over client flow into your suites. Consider sending out straight-to-the-point, responsible social media posts aimed directly at your clients conveying your actions and willingness to support them during this challenging time. 

The most proactive and efficient way to go about this is by starting with a direct phone call to your clients. Make sure to ensure them that you are in fact open for business and have taken direct steps to ensure their well-being.

Important talking points:
  • You follow the state board rules for sanitation and cleanliness
  • You have taken extra measures to exceed sanitation requirements in your suite
  • Mimosa Salon Suites as a company has upgraded and reinforced its commitment to ensuring the facilities are sanitized

The second, but just as important outlet is to provide your clients updates on your social media platform(s). Keep things personal, positive, authentic, and reassuring. For example, short, simple, and clear messages directly aimed at the following topics should be useful. Please feel free to use these examples:


During this time, the safety, health, and well-being of my clients and community is my number one priority. While everyone is facing challenges surrounding the virus, I encourage you to maintain the practice of self-care. I certainly hope that includes my services, but your general health and that of your family is of even greater importance.


In order to ensure the safety of my clients and salon, I ask that any of my clients that may feel unwell to cancel any appointments you may have. I am waiving all cancellation fees at this time, no questions asked. Thank you all so much, and stay healthy!

Your hours of business

Yes, I’m open! I am taking all the required steps as put forward by the CDC and WHO to ensure my salon is as clean and safe as possible. For any questions or concerns, you may have, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you.

What else is Mimosa Salon Suites doing?

The Mimosa family is closely monitoring communications and news about the COVID-19 situation and will take all necessary actions necessary to keep our salons and communities safe and healthy during these trying times. We will keep you all updated with any news or changes that come my way. 

Stay safe and healthy!

Maxime respicit,

Douglas L. Hauptman Jr.
By douglas hauptman February 26, 2024
Managing Your Small Business in the Time of Coronavirus
By douglas hauptman February 14, 2024
As of January 27 th , Mimosa Salon Suites has all studios leased with only one remaining! We are one step closer to our mission in creating one million square feet of hope for aspiring beauty professionals around the nation. We are leasing luxury studios to entrepreneurs looking to take advantage of the fastest growing industry in the world by opening their own business. The demand for beauty products and services has remained strong through the pandemic, recession, and inflation. Now is the time to invest in taking your professional skills to the next level by leasing with Mimosa Salon Suites!
By douglas hauptman January 30, 2024
Mimosa has prepared this document to inform the public and our clients about our COVID-19 procedures to reopen our facilities. We ask that people do not believe the false news reports about increased cases in Georgia. Please look at the State of Georgia Department of Public Health Daily Report for the truth and actual statistics here in the Peach State! Phase 1 Soft Opening Hours - Monday April 27th - May 8th COVID-19 Enhanced Procedures We will follow new procedures that will allow us to keep our clients safe and healthy in the post-virus economy. We will implement a longer sanitation time in-between client by thoroughly sanitizing and sterilizing all treatment rooms. Although we have always followed the sanitation protocols enforced by the state board, we commit to go above and beyond the requirements by adhering closely to the CDC guidelines. Our goal is to continue to give our clients exceptional care while keeping them safe in immaculate conditions. Re-opening Mimosa Facilities As per the latest guidelines set forth by the White House, states may begin to reopen in 3 phases. The guidelines may be found here . Additionally, the State of Georgia Board of Cosmetology has issued a new set of guidelines which we have incorporated into our enhanced opening protocol. You can read the full list here . The states or regions must first meet certain criteria before commencing Phase 1. Georgia Governor Brian Kemp has decided to begin Phase 1 reopening on April 24th. Most importantly, we have incorporated all the required procedures and protocols from Governor Kemp's reopening order. You may see the order here . With all that in mind, we have taken the following steps to safely re-open Mimosa. At all phases, employers must develop and implement appropriate policies in accordance with Federal, State, and local regulations; as well as by following industry best practices regarding: Social distancing and protective equipment Temperature checks Sanitation Use and disinfection of common and high-traffic areas Business travel We at Mimosa, want to do everything we can to equip our tenants and our community with the necessary tools to fend off any virus -- whether the common cold, the flu, or COVID-19. We will execute our client-screening protocols to this end. Our existing high standards as well as our additional amplified disinfecting and sanitation procedures between each client will be strenuously followed. The next section will provide specifics on this implementation. Client Screening and Fulfilment Additions We will change the way our appointments are scheduled. Our appointments will now be spaced 15 minutes apart. The extra time in-between appointments will allow for our clients to follow social distancing guidelines. This new procedure minimizes traffic flow problems and prevents clients from arriving or departing from the lobby at the same time. Early arrivals may choose to wait in the car until 5 minutes prior to their scheduled appointment time. Temperature Screenings. When a tenant's staff member or client enters the building, they will have their temperature taken with a digital, no-touch thermometer and/or an FDA-approved antibody test. The test will be administered In the Mimosa lobby, by the front door. These procedures will remain in place until deemed no longer necessary. If a tenant's staff member is running a temperature, s/he will not be able to work that day. Additionally, the tenant's staff member must see their doctor and get cleared before returning to work. If a client has a fever (add degrees here), they will have to reschedule their appointment and we will suggest they see their doctor. We will ask to see a clearance before the client can resume services. If an FDA-approved antibody test is administered, the procedures will be as follows: IgM negative, IgG negative: Patient not exposed or too early. A medical professional should observe symptoms and epidemiology of patients. Re-testing should be considered if symptoms appear or persist. There will be no other action needed at this time. IgM positive, IgG positive/negative: Acute or recent infection. This result will require the client to leave the premises immediately. A positive test result will be forwarded to the proper health authorities. Clients and/or staff will not be allowed to return until after a professional medical clearance, 14-day self-isolation, and/or an IGM-negative test result. IgM negative, IgG positive: Previous, distant infection. We will ask the screening questions Mimosa developed to make sure the infection was at least 14 days prior, which conforms with current CDC guidelines for testing medical professionals and for getting medical professionals back to work. Positive antibody results will be forwarded to health authorities through whichever data portal, app or website is required. If the IgM is positive, showing an acute, or recent infection. Clients and/or staff will have to leave our premises immediately. They will also be strongly advised to seek immediate medical attention. Clients and/or staff will not be allowed to return until after a professional medical clearance, 14-day self-isolation and/or an IgM negative test result. Positive antibody results will be forwarded to health authorities, as required. There is more to the testing aspect which involves ascertaining the client's history and potential exposure from travel or COVID-19-positive family members at home. Our staff will interview clients to help determine the risk of exposure and to determine how we can best provide our services. We will not be discussing this portion of our policy publicly. However, the public can rest assured that we have in place an effective, well-thought-out procedure for administering these antibody tests. In this way, we are making prudent decisions about how to proceed in the safest, healthiest way for both clients and staff members. As Dr. Fauci and other medical experts remind the public, antibody testing is not 100 percent effective against any virus, especially COVID-19. However, this kind of testing adds an additional layer of protection over and beyond just taking someone’s temperature. At Mimosa, we believe that adding antibody testing makes our place of business much safer than any gas station, grocery store, liquor store or any other business operating today. Contact Tracing As per the CDC guidelines for re-opening businesses in Georgia, employers must develop and implement policies and procedures for workforce contact tracing following employee COVID+ tests. Contact tracing involves the following steps: If an individual is identified as having tested positive for COVID-19, their case will immediately be reported to public health or any other necessary official. The employee will be interviewed to learn about their movements and interactions with their most recent contacts. If public health officials need any information regarding people who have been in contact with that employee, it will be provided. Employees may be isolated (e.g. required to remain at home) or excluded (e.g. prohibited from attending a particular work location) if deemed necessary for disease control. A 14-day period and a negative COVID-19 test will be a mandatory return-to-work requirement for our employees. Client Screening and Fulfilment Protocol As soon as the client enters the suite, the tenant will greet them. The tenant will give the client a mask and hand sanitizer. Tenant will then get their temperature taken. Temperature Taking Mimosa tenants & staff will follow stringent guidelines in taking client temperatures. This protocol is listed below. The client’s temperature will be taken using a no-touch digital thermometer. If the client has a temperature of 100 degrees or higher, s/he will be asked to leave the premises immediately. Clients can reschedule their appointment when they have gone at least 48 hours without fever. (Clients can also return with a physician’s note indicating they are symptom-free. ) After clients leaves, tenant's staff members wearing gloves will immediately sanitize the chair, the door handles, and any other area that the client may have touched. The tenant's staff member will then dispose of the gloves in the hazardous materials disposal receptacle. Hygiene and PPE and Prevention Before opening for the day, staff will have their temperature taken and/or submit to a Covid-19 antibody test. Any staff member who has a temperature will not be allowed to work. They must have gone 48 hours without a fever in order to return to work. Any staff member with an IgM positive test result indicating an acute, or recent infection, will have to leave immediately. They will be recommended to seek medical attention. Positive antibody results will be forwarded to health authorities. Clients and/or staff will not be allowed to return until after a professional medical clearance, 14-day self-isolation and/or an IGM negative test result or a combination of all these. If the IgM test result is negative, the client or staff member will be able to proceed with their services. There will be mandatory use of hand sanitizer by all staff and clients upon entering the building. Estheticians and massage therapists will all wash their hands with antibacterial soap for at least 20 seconds before and after each treatment. Estheticians must wear gloves before commencing treatment and dispose of them promptly afterwards. As we will be following CDC recommendations, all of our staff members will wear disposable masks. Masks will be available for any client receiving services that would like to wear one as well. (QUESTION--Is this mandatory for clients?) In addition to these everyday steps, all locations are also required to be extra diligent to ensure associates exhibiting any signs or symptoms of illness (including acute respiratory illness) will remain home. Likewise, if a client with an upcoming appointment is not feeling well, they will be asked to give the Mimosa location a call. We will be happy to reschedule the appointment. Cleaning and Disinfecting Based on research, we have developed the following protocols adhering to the CDC’s guidelines for cleaning and disinfecting our facilities. All tenents will be using EPA-registered disinfectants that are approved for COVID-19 disinfection. After removing the sheets, tenant's staff will spray tables and wipe down headrests. Lotion bottles, skin care product bottles, and stretch equipment are wiped down with a disposable disinfectant and sanitizing cloth. Tenant's staff will wipe down all high-touch areas including interior door knobs and light switches with an industrial-grade disinfectant. Tenant's staff will wipe down the client’s chair and/or clothes’ rack with an industrial-grade disinfectant. Tenant's staff will spray down all work surfaces with disinfectant. After cleaning and disinfecting the room, staff will remake the bed with new sheets and blankets in preparation for new clients. Tenant's staff will use a disposable face cradle for massage. After each use by either client or tenant's staff, the restroom will be completely disinfected. An industrial-grade cleaning solution will be used on toilets, sinks, and mirrors. The door knobs, light switches and wall handles will all be sanitized. After any tenant's staff or client enters or leaves the spa, all door handles inside and out will be wiped down and disinfected. The pos system and front desk will also be wiped down and disinfected after being touched. At the end of each day, tenant's staff will sweep and mop the floors with an industrial-grade disinfectant. All walls, shelves and displays will be cleaned and disinfected. Air filters will be changed regularly according to manufacturer’s directions. Air purifiers will be in use and they will be located in common areas. We intend to provide the leadership needed to help guide all salons and med spas in the State of Georgia to reopen safely. For more information or interview requests contact: Douglas Hauptman 770.265.6407 version 6-4.22.2020_mimosa
By douglas hauptman January 8, 2024
We recently did a survey of over 1500 beauty clients and our privately conducted poll tells us exactly what you would expect: 40% are ready to come out shopping and doing things now 30% want to wait 2-4 weeks 30% want to wait 1-3 months Not coincidentally, these statistics match closely to the risk/age groups for COVID-19. 40% are at little to no risk (mostly 18-39) 30% are at light to medium risk (mostly 40-60) 30% are at medium to high risk (mostly 61+) So if your business caters mostly to young healthy people, you can expect almost all of them to resume very soon, if it caters to older people and/or those with other health issues, you can expect them to wait a good while until they feel they are safe, and everywhere in between. So even though most businesses are and have done more than required to make people safe they have NOT done a good enough job making people FEEL safe. The business community needs to conduct intensive messaging targeting the folks who are afraid with images and words designed to help them have courage and confidence. Contact Larry Covington at 404-502-7670 for help with your messaging. We can and will win this fight and together we must not fear! We must help each other find the courage to press on!
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